GreeceJS #31: OS Competition, React Hooks and Luna.js

Δευτέρα, 24 Ιουν 2019 από 18:00 - 21:00

Τεχνόπολη Δήμου Αθηναίων, Πειραιώς 100, Κεντρική Αυλή


GreeceJS #31: OS Competition, React Hooks and Luna.js

Join us for the last event of the season on Monday, June 24, 2019 at INNOVATHENS powered by Samsung - Hub of Innovation & Entrepreneurship of Technopolis City of Athens.

18:00 - 18:15

Networking & cold beverages

18:30 - 19:15

How to build and maintain a GitHub project (en)

- Arvanitis Panagiotis, Front-end Engineer at Agile Actors

In this presentation we will talk about Luna. Luna is a desktop application build on ElectronJS and a npm manager with purpose to handle npm dependencies in an easy way through a modern UI.

About the speaker:

Panagiotis is a nodejs enthusiast. He is passionate with web technologies and enjoys making data visualisations.

19:35 - 19:50

Open Source Project Competition (gr)

We, as software developers, are often keen to take and reluctant to give. This is an opportunity to make a difference.

Vote for your favourite Open Source software between Babel, Rollup, Prettier and Eslint. Put your money where your mouth is and optionally give 5, 10 or 20 EUR. Our awesome sponsor, Agile Actors, will commit an additional 200 EUR to the winner.

The money we collect from participants + sponsor will be given donated to the winning OS project.

20:00 - 20:45

The biggest lies about React Hooks (gr)

- Marios Fakiolas, Frontend Head at

Marios will guide us through a journey to code reusability in React: starting from HOCs and render props and finishing with Hooks.

About the speaker:

Marios is a web frameworks veteran, currently on a public speaking spree.


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