Gender Equality Action Plan
Technopolis City of Athens adopts a Gender Equality Plan (GEP)
Technopolis City of Athens adopts and implements for the first time a Gender Equality Action Plan.
One of the main principles governing the activities of the cultural Organisation is gender equality and non-discrimination. 2021 is the year during which Technopolis City of Athens takes steps to formally incorporate the Plan in its policy axes and to implement the Gender Equality Action Plan through specific actions and decisions made towards that direction.
Both the series of actions taken and the decisions made under the development phase of a Gender Equality Plan extend from management of Technopolis City of Athens’ human resources and the decision-making bodies to the content of actions (educational, cultural), events and innovative products supported by the Organisation in the field of culture. Gender Equality Action Plan includes adjustments to the way the Organisation operates by adopting practices implementing the lines of the Action Plan, the collection of gender-related data, and the reinforcement of the gender perspective in the actions and events implemented and supported by the Organisation.
For the first time, Technopolis City of Athens takes steps to develop such an Action Plan in line with the European and national legislation to meet today’s requirements. Through close observation of the plans drawn up both at national (New National Gender Equality Action Plan 2021-2025) and at European level (Gender Equality Strategy for 2020-2025, Gender equality in the European Research Area), Technopolis City of Athens proceeds with the drafting of a Plan of Action relating to Gender Equality for the period 2021-2024.
The objectives of the plan are the following:
1. Mapping the current situation and reviewing the procedures and practices adopted by the Institution, and detecting possible weaknesses in the equal treatment of both genders.
2. Identifying and implementing innovative practices for the correction of all forms of discrimination.
3. Setting of targets and ongoing monitoring of the applied practices by observing specific indicators.
The Action Plan is a “mild policy” tool that is implemented with the support of the European Union and calls on public and private bodies to mainstream the gender perspective into their internal structures and workings.
The Gender Equality Action Plan was developed on the basis of an initial assessment of the existing situation relating to gender at Technopolis City of Athens which was supervised by The Gender Equality Plan was prepared in the framework of implementation of the European Project entitled “Green Approach to safeguard Industrial and Archaeological Heritage : GAIAH” in which Technopolis City of Athens is involved as an Associate Partner through the Industrial Gas Museum Sector. The Project is implemented under Horizon 2020 (HORIZON-CL2-2021-HERITAGE-01-01) research action “Green Technologies and Materials for Cultural Heritage”.