The innovative educational program entitled «The kids, the city and the monuments» is an initiative of the City of Athens. It is realized by Technopolis City of Athens in collaboration with the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, in particular the A' Athens Directorate of Primary Education (Environmental Education and Cultural Affairs) and the A' Athens Directorate of Secondary Education (Environmental Education), as well as the Athens School of Fine Arts (ASFA Career Office).
The purpose of the program is to shift the school community’s focus to the concept of citizenship and to promote the development of active citizenship skills in children, by providing them with appropriate stimuli in order to get to know their city better, to learn to love it and to protect it. To achieve this, “The kids, the city, and the monuments” initiative provides children and educators with a multifaceted stimuli and training system, which with regard to Primary Education concentrates on Athens's outdoor sculptures, whereas in the framework of Secondary Education it focuses on architectural legacy and graffiti.
Responsible for running the program is Popi Diamantakou, the President of Technopolis, City of Athens. Specialized scientists and trainers (educators, architects and urban planners, archaeologists, fine art restorers and artists), as well as institutions involved in educational activities, such as the National Art Gallery–Alexandros Soutzos Museum, the Department of Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art under the University of Attica, the Pireus Bank Group Cultural Foundation (PIOP), and Monumenta join forces for its planning and execution. Technopolis’ project management team is in charge of coordinating the program in both education stages.
110 kindergartens, elementary, middle and high schools of Athens, 218 educators of both, primary and secondary education, and about 3,100 students aged 5-18 years have joined the program since October 2016.In the framework of the program, Technopolis and PIOP published, in June 2018, an Educational Activity Guide for Primary Schools, which is freely distributed to participating schools and has been made available online for public access.
The Institute of Educational Policy (ΙEP) has approved the program’s implementation in Primary Education Institutions for the school year 2018-2019.