Advanced Learning and Inclusive EnviroNment (ALIEN) for Higher Education through greater knowledge and understanding of migration flows in Europe.
**Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The project aims at contributing to greater equity and social cohesion within Europe, through a series of knowledge-exchange activities with diverse stakeholders (academics, national and local authorties, migrant communities and organisations) and through the understanding of complexities of migration.
Given the critical context of the current refugee crisis in Europe, the projects objectives are:
- To advance young people inter-cultural competences, knowledge and understandings of migration through transnational, multi and interdisciplinary collaboration of academic staff, migrant organizations and postgraduate students.
- To develop engagement of Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) with local and international migrant organizations as well as regional authorities to build bridges and share knowledge, good practices and raise awareness of issues around migration.
How it works?
By innovative education methods focusing on migration issues from the perspective of particular social science discipline including Economics, Education, Politics, Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work.
- With a Community of Practice, created around open access virtual platform (i.e. e-modules, examples of teaching activities and assessment strategy) for use
- With handbooks of education methodologies and scenarios for workshops materials for direct use in the teaching curriculum.
- Living Labs, that will work as interactive think tanks, where issues and opinions of public concern related to migration will be discussed.
- Living labs serve as an input for the projects’ learning materials and thus they will operate as the meeting point of the diverse stakeholders of the project and they will involve interchanging of ideas, methodology forming and collection of data.